Picture of church building
Wyoming Avenue Baptist Church
123 E. Wyoming Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19120

Phone/Fax: (215) 329-8295
Email: info@wabcphilly.org

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Wyoming Avenue Baptist Church has reorganized under Grace Church of Philly and is now called Grace Church of Feltonville. We are now meting in the same location every Sunday at 10:00 AM. For more information, contact Pastor John at (917) 981-4249, or visit Grace Church's website.

Mission & Vision

Discipling & Equipping God’s People to Serve

“Follow me.”

So begins the journey of all who take the gospel seriously.  Those who experience radical forgiveness, freedom from sin and despair.  Those who enter into relationship not with some moral philosophy, but with God Himself!

Discipleship is following Jesus Christ, with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.  Discipleship is learning to take up our crosses and follow Jesus.

We must seek to love God and glorify Him in our lives.  We must give the best of who we are and what we have, with thanksgiving to the One who gives us all good things.  And at the very heart of our being as the church of God, we must fulfill the Great Commission.  “Go and make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

We find that God has brought all nations here, not only to Feltonville, but also to our church.  We have grown from a monthly average of 42 to an average of 154 in our worship service.  While we continue to reach into our community with the gospel message, our vision is to make disciples of those who God is already bringing to us, teaching them to obey, setting their lives apart from the world, and preparing them for service in the Kingdom.

Preparation involves putting on the full armor of God, not only to withstand the flaming arrows of the devil, but to advance the Kingdom of God and reclaim lives for the Light.  Equipped with the holiness that only God provides, the practical righteousness of radical obedience, and the awesome power of the Word of God, we are indeed salt and light to our families and our communities.

We pray not only that the Lord of the harvest would send more workers into the harvest, but that He would make us, the people of Wyoming, into effective workers in His harvest, all to His praise and glory.